1) Pay off Express bill. I have $365 set aside in my ING savings account for Credit Card payments. If you are like me and find it hard to hold onto savings, they are great! They are also running a referal special this month, so if you are thinking about opening an account, comment or send me your email. If you join through my referal email, you get an extra $25!
I also have an extra $120 in my wallet. Think I may go pay the $120 today in cash and then the rest once it transfers back to my account.
2)Keep adding at least $20 a week to both my "House" and "Savings" ING accounts. Work has been great lately, but I know come summer it slows down and I don't want to be stuck struggling.
3) Cut down on the grocery bill!! Through my Mint.com summary, I know that I went over my $200 budget for groceries. This was only what I paid for as well! S.O. paid for a $150 trip to Sam's. Hopefully though we can put off grocery shopping for a while. We have a TON to get through in the freezer/pantry
4) Start running! I have a friend who wants me to do a 10k with her in April (!) It's been a while since I have been running regularly but I am investing in a Nike +ipod today. I found a used ipod nano on amazon for $40 and plan on using my old shoes until I find a great deal on new ones. Everyone tells me it's worth the investment. Lets hope so.
5) Learn how to make my own shower cleaner (that actually works) and finish painting the rooms at our house. I can't commit to a color for the office and guest bedroom and we are (hopefully) getting countertops on a trip to Houston next week (Ikea) so then we can "start" the kitchen.
I think that's enough lofty goals for today! Oh, and figure out all the inner workings of blog-land...like how to get adsense setup right. Any tips greatly appreciated!
Happy Monday!!
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