So I am joining The Frugal Girl in "Food Waste Friday". While trying to cut back on grocery spending and eating out, I need to be better about using things up before they go bad. Too often I get lazy and go for the frozen stuff or Ramen while delicious fruits and veggies go bad in the fridge.
So for today I add... 1/3 head of lettuce and some pasta salad :( The pasta salad makes me upset because I make some kick ass pasta salad! But all in all, not too bad for my first week.
So my next step is to start compositing whatever leftovers we have so that when we start our garden in the spring we'll have lots of great compost for our garden! I found a cool link for making a compost bin out of recycled pallets (the ones that stores always have in the back). If you need a weekend project, check it out here.
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