Custom Search
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Custom Search
Living a green life while saving some green and trying to spend as little green as we can.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why I shop at Wal=Mart

Most "frugal" types will tell you they never shop at Wal-Mart. They prefer to compare prices and sales elsewhere and use coupons. Well, I'm just not that organized! Here is a quick response I posted on another blog about why I DO shop at Wal-mart. Check it out!

I actually do most of our shopping at Walmart and the local farmers market. It is convient for us, and try as I may, I'm not much of a coupon clipper! They also are much more environmentally friendly than many people think. If you happen to be there again, take a look at some of their packaging (only concentrated laundry detergent for example), their "Locally grown" produce signs, their brand clothing made from "transitional" fields (to encourage farmers to transition to organic) and the sheer number of "made in USA" products that they have. They are also the first large company to start requiring their suppliers to show a "chain" of production so consumers know what really went into that "organic" product. I think its fabulous and should be applauded that a retail giant has realized the importance of sustainability. They have to potential to reach a vast number of people who otherwise may not have ever been concerned about being "green". I only wish that they would stop with the plastic bags all matter how much everyone would whine and complain about having to pay for them :)


Heather - said...

Thx for the note at Dollar Store Crafts! Thanks for the input re: the paper lanterns! :)

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